
Sitting here in my backyard on my swinging chair enjoying the solitude.

The 4th is such a climactic holiday, seems like rarely do you ever ask someone “what did you do for the 4th ?” and they answer “just sat in my backyard with my dog and enjoyed the solitude”. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the time I have with family and friends around, but there was something so appealing about spending the day solo, listening to Otis Taylor Pandora and swinging back and forth on my deck swing.

I love blues music; I think in another life I was from Nashville and sang and played slide guitar like nobody’s business…

Speaking of music, I have been really excited to be sharing some of my new recordings with everyone. This record has been a really fun ride so far. From the beginning JP and I have had somewhat of an idea of what we wanted each song to sound like, but where these songs ended up going, we could not have dreamed up.

We are finally at a point in this project where we can start sharing what we made and see how it reaches and touches people. That’s one of my favorite parts of making new music: discovering who gravitates to what song and how it affects them.

Not only has the recording process been incredible, but so has been watching my new website come to life and witnessing Joni put together a photo shoot at my house with amazing, talented photographers like Ally Morris. I feel like the whole photo shoot day could just be a blog in itself. Thank you to Stacy for my hair and Deb for my makeup and Pedro's tacos. I can't forget to mention Joni for taking all the elements and her creative mind to make these photos fun and funky while still staying true to who I am in every shot. I'm really blown away and honored to have such a remarkable crew working so tirelessly on my music project right now. I will definitely never forget this experience.

So...I am a writer, well in a sense with all my song writing, but I’ve never really been a blogger. I am now, however, going to start doing a little “blogging” just to keep everyone updated on my music project. I have had such a wide array of adventures up to this point, I am confident there’s more to come!

Stay tuned…….:) and Happy 4th of July everyone!



Click the pics below to see us girls all on our adventure together. 
